Kansai On Fleek 2023 - Osaka Monday

back in Osaka, went to Chigusa okonomiyaki again cuz Eric and Yumi didn't have it yet

next the Lamb skewer spot owned by Beibei "Lamb Love Song" everything was delicious and maybe the best food of the trip. I think these were tofu noodles

suprised to find out the super umami was coming from fish

ground lamb skewers expertly yakitori'd

smoked potato salad with egg salad on top, the Japanese really make superior mayonaisse based foods

Eric and Yumi took the bullet train back to Tokyo, We took a nap, Steven had to work so Jen Bob and I went to this famous curry place and it was amazing and then we went home to die. This photo is not of the curry place.

very interesting 99% invisible podcast episode about Japanese streets and why there's so few traffic deaths and other things like the fire engines that are this size to fit down the tiny streets and have great turning radiuses. There are many streets without sidewalks so car culture in Japan is that pedestrians and motorists have to exist harmoniously in the same street and drive slower