Let's Do November

Sir Alistair Spalding was in NYC so we met to celebrate our book, Welcome to the Arts: Dance
Chris Blaza guest spoke in my class and after us 4 FIT profs went to Barcade

we drove with a tree on our car from Virginia and it ended up fine and dandy and was like half the price

another car fix, the rear tail light, also very easy thanks to youtube.

my Queens Hats book is now in 5 languages: English, French, Italian, Chinese, Spanish

We went to Beacon for Jen's bday. Momo Valley, the Tibetan restaurant there is awesome and the Richard Serra stuff at Dia Beacon is so cool.

generative AI used on this Korean ramyeon package, AI NO!!!!!

Mark Wang literally holdin' it down

another year another American Illustration party
Steve Compton, exhibitions coordinator at the Society of Illustrators way up there.

after party

also for Jen's bday at Barbes
the most inspiring day every year in NYC, the NYC marathon. All those people all those stories all together and at the same time all with their own own unique struggles and dreams

took our Yoshitoshi ukiyo-e print to the framer, like $300 for museum glass that blocks 99 percent of UV and other premium framing stuff.

my dumb hands free burrito eating system so you can play video games and eat at the same time.

another live music spot in Fort Greene with Jen's photographer


5th Annual Harvest Fest at Raishland

Arriving in time for beers at the top of Raish hill

late frost killed the Raish apples so we had to get apples from Lain's again

I think we got like 12 gallons

This was really close to halloween so we heard some vintage halloween/monster music on the drive up. Top worst song is the pet sematary song by the ramones

some weed and the moon and clouds and night sitting at the picnic bench before getting in our tents

flat toppin'

one is singing it one is not bringing it
was cold. goodnight 5th annual harvestfest at raishland

fast forward to july 2024 and the cider has aged over 7 months and is the best one so far imo, i used cotes des blanc champagne yeast again.


A Visit from Hedley-chan

continuing a game started on the plane back from Korea playing as Queen Seondeok of Korea firing a Hwacha fire arrow weapon

Japanese poster exhibition at Poster House including a bunch of Yokoo Tanadori stuff

Dakgalbi in Ktown with eric and yumi
wet dog feet in the park

Steven had to come to USA for some visa stuff so stayed with us for a while

someone was giving this away in the lobby. Fast Forward, most of it is dead now

dabbing dog

one door over from John Nickle's old house, the block has been fighting this multi lot construction that spans all the way over to the next block on this quiet residential street

rooftop cloud action
peer pong arcade game

Impromptu sunday trip to Beacon and doing the Beacon reservoir lil hike, was a really swell day for everyone and a nice Hedley-chan send off. Until next time Hedley chan