Team Totality

found out there was gonna be a total solar eclipse who's path of totality would pass like 10 miles from Canisteo so we gathered a crew to go see it. We eventually read that even 99% totality is madnitudes less cool than 100% totality and the closer you get to the center the longer it will last so we went to Onehda winery on Hemlock lake, a 50 min drive that would give us like 4 min of totality

Cider Creek

so it ended up being clouding and even rained at the end which was a big bummer for everyone. We set up with a bunch of food and drink and tried our best. When totality came it was crazy, it went from day to night in like 20 seconds, like someone used the dimmer switch on the universe. So now there's a thing i never knew i wanted in life, to see totality for real (not covered up by rain and clouds). The next one goes over Spain august 12th 2026

so something about even though we didn't see the solar eclipse nothing can eclipse the friendship within our hearts. It was great getting the band togther.

found these tights and thought they were some chick's but they ended up being bob's.