Before Island Time

Early Mac apples coming in. We visited for Father's day for once

putting in the last window in the barn

had an in person meet up, sent invite to everyone i've ever had in class over the past 6 yrs. Only alumni came, no current students, i guess cuz the alumni miss people or know they need advice from my illustration pals that came. It was supposed to be a park picnic but the weather was looking bad so i changed it to industry city which really worked out and it did rain torrentially 

Norberto can't help himself plein air painting.

Eugenia Mello and her studio mates have been hosting design events at their studio in Gowanus. Here's Acampante who's so smart and like a design philospher

first rooftop movie of the year, Godzilla Minus One coincidentally was release on this day much to my delight.

8 by 8 magazine party at No One Home. It's a multi floor soccer bar(s) for this soccer mag created by Robert Priest who i see at the dog park every day and Grace Lee 

arlington petanque courts

water balloon filling technology now, it fills up like 20 balloon but it's single use plastic and kids will never know the value of 1 water balloon

dubu started chewing on the base of his tail until it was bleeding at the hair was ripped out. Turns out it was a hot spot and he got on antibiotics and a medicated shampoo and anti itch pills and glands expressed and it was all like $300 :(

cut down on the tomatoes by one plant this year. Momotaro, a variety i forgot what it is cuz it got mixed up, Purple Zebra, Chocolate Pear, Early Girl.

weed seriously grows like a weed.

5-6 gallons a day i have to take up to the roof to water the garden

tried to make SPAM musubi to get hype for Hawaii but they look bad especially with purple rice and not the right seaweed.