Harriman Lake Camping 2023

Look at this. don't you just want to be in a car with the boys on your way to some weekend adventure. Well we were and we were in the highest of spirits

Its an hour hike in to the lake so you can bring some heavy stuff for better quality of life and fun and the dog loves jumping in there. Ryan and I immediately jumped in and soon enough 2 park rangers came that were like 20 yrs old and said sorry guys you can't swim here or camp here or even be on this trail this is a service trail for the park and we were like but we do this every year. They walked on and matt jumped in and immediately from the trees we hear "you guys can't swim here!" So we went across the lake where they said we could be but NOT swim and were like those M'fers what are we gonna do. So we sat and drank some beers and heard 4 wheelers and shouting further down the lake and we walked down and saw 2 guys with a little dog arguing with some rangers for a while. Then more came then the state troopers came in trucks and even got a dog out to go down to the lake where they were. We thought for sure these guys would be going home handcuffed in the back of a truck but after half an hour and some yelling we saw the state troopers walk up the hill to their trucks and leave and then the rangers and later we saw the two guys who turned out to be Russian American badasses who told us they told them all to F off because why because they can't say sh!t to us. And they said the rangers go home at 5 or 6pm i can't remember so we said thanks dudes and waited til then and then went back to our original awesome lakefront spot and set up. We were sitting on the other side of the lake for hours looking out at the sun drenched summer lake that's SO warm and great for swimming saying its an absolute crime to keep all of us from being able to enjoy this lake. After hrs of bustin' jokes and waxing poetic we waited out the 20 yr old rangers.

matt found this somewhere

a luxury item, the Polish chess set that is pretty heavy

he actually caught something with that junk he found

cooking steaks on a rock, always awesome after a long day (more awesome when you can find the right rock)

at 5 am we were awoken by a torrential downpour that wouldn't stop until we got to the car. We had to pack up camp in the rain, it was horrible

Dubu hates the rain, he won't leave the apt doorway if it's raining but he had to sit in it and get rained on for 45 min as we packed up and then another hr hike to the car.


all's well in the end, great adventures dudes.