May Daze

mother's day. woodpecker went to town

lookin like it could be a good apple harvest

ground ivy

the annual surveying the land and taking samples for ikebana flower arranging

Lawn Daisy

as always a nice time doing ikebana
one door over from John and Jana, the nightmare is realised

racking the cider into secondary

Kimie got us tickets to Enemy of the People staring Jeremy Strong and her and her 2 pals that make up their company Design By Dots were nominated for a Tony for the scenic design for this show also. (spoiler they didn't win for Appropriate or Enemy of the People :(

they invite a few audience members on stage during part of the show and we were two of them
a huge ambitious project i tried this semester, completing an entire tarot card deck of 78 cards. We all did 3 cards each including myself, 25 students plus me.

abby is into tarot and did some readings for us. Everyone liked this project so i think it was a success.

at Industry city

Stacy and Phil got a Samoyed puppy. Dubu is very annoyed by the CONSTANT puppy bother so he nips and snarls at him all the time. There will be a new stage of tension next time they meet (hormones)