The Fortnite Era Begins

the yr is 2021 and alternative alcoholic beverages are everywhere now including hard kombucha, hard seltzer, hard tea

I got a job doing loading screen art for what was once the biggest game on the planet, Fortnite. It's still huge and you can play it cross platform meaning people can play together no matter what they own, a PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Playstation, (currently not Apple products cuz they are in a huge lawsuit with them). So of course I started playing with bob "for research" but there's a reason its the biggest game ever, because it's ultra fun and also cuz they've done a good job at making it addictive. They match you with other players based on skill so you're not just destroyed by pro level players. This makes it so victory is within your grasp and the few wins you get keep you high and keep you coming back for more. Its a battle royal game so every person for themselves or every team up to 4 players on a squad. At first it was Bob and I playing duos together but now in 2022 i have several other pals Ryan and Trish addicted and Bob, Ryan, Trish, and I play a bunch of nights a week and Dave joins sometimes. We chat, make jokes, make plans, and intensely play the game and I can see how gaming online with your pals can be a good thing. I was very addicted to this game for a while even after the job was over but i've made out and now only play when its with other people. One of my students said they had it REALLY bad and she kinda glazed over when she was telling me.

ended up with a ton of various greens so I blended it and froze it into green cubes to be dropped into stuff when we needed to fulfill our health duty. I estimate there's at least 2 servings of greens in each cube....

after i came back from Hawaii this spot on my leg kept growing. It wasn't like a tick bite and i left it for a few days but kept getting bigger so finally Jen said i have to go to get it checked out. In 2021 NYC this means going to Urgent Care that's not a hospital but a private healthcare place and tons of NYC relies on these places. The doctor immediately knew what it was and prescribed antibiotics i think. 

Cellulitis usually affects the lower legs, but it can occur on the face, arms and other areas. The infection happens when a break in the skin allows bacteria to enter.

Left untreated, the infection can spread to the lymph nodes and bloodstream and rapidly become life-threatening.

Dad printed 2 extras cuz the first one on Laputa broke

waiting for our Tacos El Broncos dinner

Our ceramic light fixture finally arrived from London after weakly looking to replace our gross light fixtures for years we finally both agreed on this one. 

idk what this is or why i took a photo of this. Maybe it's popeye's and is what i eat when Jen goes on a biz trip?