Pandemic Island - Part 1

our first vacation of the pandemic after St John, Holland, Spain had been cancelled due to the pandemic. Hawaii with the entire Yoo fam in their childhood house they grew up in because it was rented out for 10 yrs but now is back in their hands.

Over there is calling to me. I'd discover later what a crazy scene it is over there. That's Mariner's ridge up there which is closed due to an old Korean guy dying up there a while ago
The house is in Hawaii Kai and Sandy Beach is a 5 min drive away
back yard

plumeria tree dropping gifts

you can thread these together into leis
Sandy Beach has crazy waves and is good for boogie boarding and kina surfing. Not great for swimming a lot of the time

I love the ever changing climate and the clouds that roll in over the top of Mariner's ridge which beckons me

Morning, going to hike to the Makapu'u lighthouse before sunrise with Jen's Parents

we were a few min late for absolute sunrise but we made it

we'd go hang out there on another afternoon

The Makapu'u lighthouse. Remember i didnt edit or crop any photos because i'm over a year behind in blog posts and that would take forever. This is a photo that could really benefit from editing but I ain't got time and need to get these posts out

Rabbit Islant

Mongoose everywhere. Mongeese?

Liking this art in the Hawaii Kai starbucks but they dont say who the artist is and i couldnt find them.

Can see Koko Head from the kitchen window

They had some renovations done

Koko head

Bellows Beach. There's 2 parts, 1 that's open to the public and 1 that you have to be military or family or retired military to use

Available everywhere

ok that's the first 2 days in the bag