Pandemic Island - Part 3

Breakfast at Jack's in the Aina Haina shopping center

This is a day that I think everyone wishes they had back because it was spent at the mall and when there's that many family members it becomes a bigger trip than maybe people want. We were there for a long while and I wondered the Ala Moana mall complex for hours because after looking for Aloha shirts I didn't have the shopping needs as the rest of the Yoo fam. It was too early to get a drink, I walked by Mai Tai's and it was a sad sad place in the day time

an ad outside the mall. Crazy, half of Hawaii adults have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. 

we we got back I was like i can't just sit in this house now with Hawaii out there, so i grabbed a drink and walked down the street. In a few minutes i came to the end of the suburb kind of and it turned into these fields where they're growing Cassava. I was like what the H is happening and where am I and did people know this exists back here just minutes down the street from Jen's childhood house?

There were lots of cats around the whole stretch. 

Lots of these white birds around, egrets?

a bunch of plant nurseries back there

There was a guy carving scultures out of this wood

at the other end of the road I saw this sign and was taking a photo and this woman started talking to me. She thought I was from the fire dept or health dept or something and had a problem with the cats. She was super friendly and we got to talking and this medical health guy at the other end John is the one that has been getting all the cats fixed on his own dime and she asked if i wanted to walk down there and meet him. It turns out I was talking to Kanthi, the former chief medical examiner of Honolulu. As we were walking another guy jogged by and she said he was some doctor. Everyone knew everyone, it was like all these people were back here living off the grid kind of but still in Honolulu somehow. I said I was an illustrator and she knew I was from NYC and she said oh my friend's daughter was just here and she's an illustrator, Stephanie Davidson do you know her? I said no, she said maybe you know her bf Sam Weber he was her too? And yes it crazy I do know Sam. She told me all about various people as we walked to the end of the road and met John who's from the midwest but has been here from many years and has a huge breadfruit tree that the chickens all sleep in at night and he had lots of crazy plants and it was just an amazing experience discovering all this back there and thanks to Kanthi for showing me around

I got the dinner call so had to run back. This this was huge and terrorizing the dinner table.