Pandemic Island - Part 2

Even the Petco has the amazing backdrop of Hawaii

on the way to Waimanalo beach

the moks viewable on the left side

Waimanalo with Rabbit Island in the back

love the changing weather but i guess it doesn't come down from the mountains that much

come on man

the pool in their community center also has views of Koko head on one side and this on the other

I ran from the house 3 miles THEN to the top of Koko Head, running up the rail road ties and back down. 20 min up, 13 min down. It was grueling and not a good work out more like a challenge that I don't need to do again especially since its dangerous running it, jumping from tie to tie 

paused for a couple minutes at the top then right back down

Zippy's is a Hawaiian fast food chain and this is the one at Koko Marina

Malama in Hawaiian means to take care, protect, tend to, honor etc

all stuff you can see eatin' your Zippy's in perfect weather all the time