The Lamest 40th Birthday Ever

Height of the pandemic so my 40th birthday party had to take an enormous downsizing. It was the lamest 40th birthday ever. It was Me, Bob, and Steven playing Civilization VI in my living room for 2 days straight. It's a long game of global domination and takes that long. We ate nuggets, we ate other favorite bad for you foods, we snacked, we drank a lot of booze and honestly it's exactly what I wanted and was awesome and a cherished time for me. I don't want a strip club birthday or a Vegas birthday, to me that's lame. Spending 2 days with my pals drinking and eatin' and strategizing was awesome. The pandemic forced us to do this, but in doing that it gave us true freedom, freedom in that we could sit on the couch and play video games unrepentantly with no FOMO or guilt because we couldn't go out. Special thanks to Jen for putting up with this and procuring nuggest and foods. I'm 40 yrs old now......

yes i dropped a nuke on amsterdam

yes i dropped a nuke on paris. I think I did win, not cuz it was my birthday but because i'd played the game more than them and the only thing i know how to do is win by military force

Lion's Mane box getting started

good for you buddy

Collective Arts the Canadian Brewery I did several cans for is opening a place down the block from us and the sign is up! (its 2022 July and I don't think its happening anymore, thanks pandemic)

getting asian groceries in the pandemic was a challenge and a treat when you could get it cuz in Park Slope there's nowhere to get them

i think i tried to make some kinda korean fish. We don't eat enough fish at all, like a few times a year seriously

gotta get those seeds started

I loved these pandemic times on the couch with these 2. For the same reasons as my 40th bday. I can enjoy this time without feeling like I should be doing something else or I have to go to some birthday party or do this or that obligation

gotta bake the soil to 180-200 f to sterilize the soil so it doesn't infect all the house plants. Gnats are a HUGE problem

trying to have a drink outdoors even in one of the many new huts on the side of the street in the harsh winter is not so fun

finally saw my MTA art in person on some train before it came down. I think it was up for half a year longer than normal but it doesn't really matter cuz the whole time it was up it was peak pandemic so not that many people saw it, so bummer for me

sold all but a few of both versions of my MTA long posters. So i sold like 180 of them wow

when 1 dremel isn't enough for Jenny. She was sanding pottery

Bully Prevention

secret drop?

dog vapors

did a try night at Jen's pottery studio. I announced to everyone else at try night how it changed Jen's life and that i wasn't a paid actor

glaze room

bunch of kinds of tomatoes