Spring NY 2014 - Part 1

Spring has finally come to NYC
Thanks Mel for the cheeseboard bday gift it's been getting some good use

At the Royal Palms Shuffle Board hall again in Gowanus

Cruella Deville

Yoon's mom as Cruella Deville 2

Spread and spot Illustrations for Rhapsody, United Airline’s 1st Class magazine.  ”From Apps to Riches”, What happens to young tech startup founders when they hit the jackpot and sell their companies for millions - or even billions - of dollars?  Believe it or not, most don’t take their windfall as a ticket to a life of leisure.  Whatsapp bought by facebook for 19 billion, Skype bought by Microsoft for 8.5 billion, Yahoo! bought tumblr for 1.1 billion, Facebook bought Instagram for 1 billion, Googles bought YouTube for 1.65 billion.

I went to bed but was struck by an idea for a painting and got up and sketched it out on photoshop.  Here is the board all clear gesso'd and prepped

Framing my Paris house piece
LoveGold event, an initiative of the World Gold Council  at Gallow Green at the McKittrick Hotel up on the roof.

Fashion bloggers and models always invited to these events.  It's a win win situation if you're a straight guy, which the girls tell me are few in numbers at these events.

The Lowdown Stompers.

we'll meet in the middle and say she had a voice 70% Amy Winhouse fairly sober and 30% Nora Jones.  I don't think she's their regular singer cuz I couldn't find her name online.  She's got chops and the look.
guy was playing a coronet, much smaller than a trumpet.  That's what Louis Armstrong started out on

pencils roughed in.  So as it stands now spring has long passed and it's July 2nd and this has yet to be painted.....

Dosa Royale on court street in Cobble Hill.  I want to like it so much because I love dosas and it's in our new hood but after having it twice it's just mehh

at this point we were still looking for an apt.  Beer break at Iona in South Williamsburg

at a Ray Ban event.  This guy Mark Evans uses a pen knife to make all this art on leather!

Got a copy of Neo Folk from Kult in Singapore with my art in it.