DC Hanami

went to see the cherry blossoms in Washington DC for the first time 

Dupont Circle

Yoon's Mom always seems to be visiting him whenever I am.  She made an amazing dinner.  Yoon carved these apple cups for soju

this guy is still at it

We went around the tidal basin.  There were loads of tourists, seemed like 75% of them were asian.  Tons of photo taking with the flowers from the asians.  At one point this Chinese woman was literally ripping a big branch down next to her face so she could get that perfect shot.  There were asian dudes of all ages rolling around on the ground to try to get that amazing photo and victory V signs everywhere.

never noticed the flowers trying to bud and bloom from anywhere on the tree that they can

for some reason they needed to fly these really loud military choppers around and show us how awesome america is.

Heard a passer by say this field was full of field garlic.  Here I am doing my best Super Mario 2 impression but it turned out to be a lot harder than pressing A. 

Somewhere between there and Arlington the planes land super close to this park.