More Spring Happened

Society of Illustrators upstairs at the bar

Gian Galang came to talk to my class and and did an amazing demo with paint rollers, palate knives and house paint.

shooting photo reference for the Black Santa Poster

Went to Bottleneck Gallery to sign all of my AP poster prints for a big poster sale that sold out

in prospect park

after 8 yrs i'm upgrading big time to the Mac Studio with 64 gb of ram only I have to wait like 3 months for it because of the global supply chain issue. Computer chips are one thing that are hard to get

dog pond is open

Adia Victoria. We were having dinner and drinks across the street after and she came with the band and is friends with steven so we all hung out

premium Korean SPAM is great

Been wanting to exhibit with Harman Projects for a while and they invited me to do something for a special Moleskine show, only it had to be in this tiny Moleskine. This is what I came up with and it was chosen for the exhibit in the top of the one world trade center observatory

Jen and I made this cover for Greg Sanders' book The Suffering of Lesser Mammals. 

the 2 winners of the 2022 FIT Black Student Illustrators Awards. Rico Ford and Dayna Moore