The Reality of Life With Dog


we noticed the freezer was very frozen over so after research I found out there is a heating element in 
fridge stopped getting cold. Could it be the compressor again? it was replaced when we moved in. I bought a part i thought could be the problem after research but that didnt fix it.
The Shen Yun cult really amping up their promotional mailer heft
so little did i know that freezers have these defrosting heating elements in them that turn on every so often to make sure frost doesn't build up and they get up to 500 degrees. It burnt out and i got a new one and actually was able to replace it after taking apart the back of the freezer! That element burning out stopped the whole fridge and freezer from cooling so now its back up and working. Really chuffed with myself about this substantial repair.
now its my turn to come home drunk. 
random houses in brooklyn that look like this
just gotta come an lay where i'm trying to work out
a common park slope sight, stroller parking
100 of each print given to me by the MTA. It's 12/27/21 and all 100 park line prints are sold out and 10 left of the market line
pet cam of a pissed off dubu while we do separation training
really disruptive to the work at home day when you have to do separation training many times a day working up to 45 min incrementally of the dog being alone. Soon the pandemic would hit and we'd be with the dog ALL the time and all that separation training was lost.

Chinese new year, lions head meatballs and some kinda egg dumplings

since dubu has separation anxiety and starts howling after a few minutes being left at home in the crate I had to get a dog sitter for the 2 days a week i went to teach at FIT and Jen was working at La Mer in Soho. I found Jordan who is from Arizona and has this crazy dirtbag van (dirtbag is a term for climbing people who go around to climbing places and live out of their vans)

the pandemic hit and like many people who left NYC because of it, so did Jordan and her blue dirtbag bus